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Digitizing telecommunications and utility operators

Telecommunications and utility operators are under constant pressure from regulators, competition and customers. In a still more digitized and “googlified” world there is widely an expectation that operators are digitized from top to bottom in order to be able to react quickly to changes in markets or customer demands, or to be able to handle sudden operational issues.

We have decades of hands-on experience with implementation of GIS and IT solutions for telecommunications and utility operators and we are there to help you too.

We are

The driver behind robuste customer relationships and innovation is passion. What drives us is focus on customer centric, innovative, sustainable, no-nonsense solutions

We are

We are dedicated to being voice of the customer – You. We remain dedicated and loyal to your vision and we will challenge you to to ensure, that risk and ambition has a healthy balance.

We are
Highly skilled

We base our work on decades of hands-on experience with utility- and telecommunications operators based on academic education combined with solid technical and practical knowledge.

About us


Ulrik Balslev
Creative director
Ulrik Balslev

Ulrik – co-founder of Balslev Consulting ApS – is educated computer scientist. He has founded a number of successful start ups and has been CTO for decades working with IT architecture and product development.

Anders Sparre Jakobsen
Senior Developer
Anders Sparre Jakobsen

Anders has decades of experience withing software development and he has designed and implemented complex solutions mainly withing telco and utility, IT and GIS. Apart from that Anders has conducted large complex data migration projects. Anders’ interest lies within the Microsoft development univers and Smallworld GIS.

Frederikke Hyldgaard
Digital Content & Usability Consultant
Frederikke Hyldgaard

Frederikke works with digital content and UX, especially in app environments. Her main focus is to ensure optimal flow of information and the best possible user experience.

What we do

Project types

GIS products
PostGIS, Smallworld, Geoserver, QGIS and much more

We have deep knowledge on Smallworld GIS, PostGIS, QGIS and Geoserver and can assist on selection of products and platforms as well as assist with training and implementation.

25 years of experience with Smallworld GIS gives a solid base for a wide variety of unique services.

Change Management
Change Management
Minds and machines!

Implementation of new systems is not only a technical exercise. In order to get maximal value from the investment in software – being upgrade of existing systems or purchase of new – it is essential to make sure, that stakeholders are involved early and extensively.

We assist on change management and we can facilitate workshops and seminars

IT is a team sport!

Utility- and telcommunications operators store huge amounts of data, that represent high value. In order to get maximal output value from these data, it is essential that system integration is in place. This integration must be based on vendor independent, open and modern infrastructure that enables support for workflows across the organisation.

A classical example is master data for addresses. This continues to be an area with substantial potential for many operators.

We can facilitate workshops, perform analysis and help design solution architecture.

Automatisering og optimering
Automation and optimization
Stay agile and profitable. Focus effort on the complicated problems

Looking at work processes in utility and telcommunicaions operators, there is often a big potential in automating and optimizing processes. There tend to be a lot of buzz works in the air – AI, RPA, etc. – that are all promising technologies. The tricky part is to utilize existing technologies in a way that enables usage of new technolgies.

Using our knowledge on specific, day-to-day operations of an operator, we can help you boost productivity using KPIs and establishing new processes


Knowledge sharing, insight and confessions

This blog contains reflections and observations from many implementation projects, workshops, meetings with staff back office and in the field among fiber operators and large utilities


Let us keep in touch – write a message below or send an email


    Balslev Consulting ApS
    Niels W Gades Gade 40
    DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø



    +45 21 20 24 58

